SafeMTS Resources

Welcome to a library of materials to help you learn about and use the SafeMTS program.
Pilot ReportSafeMTS began as a collaborative proof of concept among BTS, MARAD, and maritime industry representatives. At the conclusion of the pilot phase, the team published a report of findings and lessons learned that inform the current program.
New Participant Welcome KitThis document provides more background information about the SafeMTS program, as well as information to help you get started with data sharing and accessing SafeMTS resources.
Sample Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)Participants must sign an MOA with BTS to join SafeMTS and begin helping to improve maritime safety. Please note that each MOA is a unique agreement. The linked document is an example.
SafeMTS User GuideAfter your organization has joined SafeMTS, use this guide to learn about creating a user account and how to begin uploading data.
Data KeyThe Data Key is a living guide to the SafeMTS Pilot data fields and values. Use the key as the master file containing the latest agreed upon information.